Michel Deverall
Children's Author
My Gran Does Karate
"My Gran Does Karate celebrates the connection of grandparents and grandchildren in a humorous and engaging way by debunking the stereotypes and highlighting the fact that grandmothers can have their own goals and achieve their own dreams.
This story will encourage young readers to try something new, be active and have fun!"

My Gran Does Karate - Book Launch 2022

Intro My gorgeous friend and talented author, Alison Stegert officially opening Gran's Launch

Welcoming everyone and chatting with the kids, family and friends, as well as people I had yet to meet. Everyone was so lovely.

Book Reading It's always such a buzz to finally read your story to the audience it was created for.

Perfect Day for a book launch

Karate Demonstration Mr & Mrs Waterson, as well as some of the kids from Matt Fiddes Martial Arts, impressing us all with a awesome karate demonstration

Karate Drills More karate action from the kids

Champions in the making These girls were certainly busting a few moves

Wood Chop Check out this little karate expert!

Karate chops were flying everywhere on the day!
Kid's Karate Demonstration